
Toto je příběh ostrova Banaba.

Národa Banabánů, vysídleného násilím organizací řízenou vládami Velké Británie a Austrálie z jejich domova. Národa vyvražděného Japonci ve druhé světové válce.

Je to příběh nedávné minulosti, bezpráví které se stalo v letech 1900-1980, a které nikdy nikdo nenapravil.

Národa, který byl tak malý, že si s ním vlády Velké Británie a Austrálie dělaly, cochtěly. Ve jménu mrzkého zisku a vyšších zemědělských výnosů zmrzačily kulturu lidí z Banaby, zmocnily se jejich ůdy a proti jejich vůli je odvezly a přesídlily daleko od jejich domova. Bezprávná těžba pokračovala ještě v roce 1980 !

Nakonec jejich původní ostrov, Banabu, Velká Británie bez jakékoliv diskuse přenechala Republice Kiribati, zacházejíce tak se svéprávným a samostatným národem Banabánů stejně jako se všemi ostatními národy a územími, které se kdy v historii dostali pod sféru jejího vlivu – pouze s ohledem na své vlastní ekonomické a politické zájmy.

Charity projects for forgotten people of the Pacific

Sooner or later you realize that life is not only about yourself but also about helping others.  Particular charity projects target forgotten people of the Pacific, who have an unbelievable story to tell. Today, this small number of Banaba island inhabitants deal with extreme poverty. They need your help, so get involved in charity projects especially developed for them to succeed and for you to thrive spiritually.

Charity projects that need you as volunteer in Pacific

You cannot help everyone but you are able to assist those in the utmost need.  The forgotten people of Pacific who live in Banaba or in Fiji, after the massive migration that took place after the World War II, are the ones who really need your help. When you are not chatting with an appealing Australia escort, be a volunteer for these people who are literary starving.  Be part of aid charity projects where the aim is to collect and send over food, clothes or other useful daily products that make their life easier.

Another interesting charity project targets early and primary education. Alone or with one of the escorts you are dating, offer your support to encourage early and primary education. You could donate funds to charity foundations that have bold projects in terms of building functional kindergartens and primary schools. Education is the most important Way to help Banaba children no matter where they live. Be sincere and share your thoughts with the extravagant ladies whom you date every weekend. They will be impressed by your altruistic personality. Moreover, you build in this way long-lasting relationships with the sexiest escorts in the world.

Why should you help the forgotten people of Pacific

People of Pacific have a sad yet motivating history. During the World War II, they suffered extreme starvation and tortures. Despite all these difficult times, they have not lost their kind soul. If you convince your escort to visit together Banaba, you will both be welcomed.  Their culture and traditions have built up an authentic sense of tolerance for strangers. These simple people have an honest joy when you and your astonishing escorts visit them.  When you spend time with them adapt your subjects to their needs. Avoid discussions about technology such as Supermemo database or other similar subjects.

Health projects are also very important for the forgotten people of Pacific. Instead of boring your escort with common conversations, tell her about your new volunteer project. You might inspire her to get involved in the same project that aims to take care of children’ and adults overall health. Basic needs such as education, health, and nutrition will help these forgotten people of the Pacific thrive. They will be able to replicate the good intentions they received. If you do not have important financial help to offer, you could assist with your presence and your skills. Share your computer skills among children or just positive thoughts. Encouraging words motivate them to fight against poverty and to develop a nice personality.

Offer you help by getting involved in charity projects that target the forgotten people of Pacific. Do your best to help them financially but also psychologically. Visit them, hear their story and share your encouraging thoughts every time you feel like doing it.
